caregiver sharing a photo album with elderly man

Fun activities for people with dementia.

Dementia is a devastating condition that affects millions of people around the world. It is a term used to describe a decline in mental ability that impacts memory, thinking, behaviour, and the ability to perform everyday activities. The most common cause of dementia is Alzheimer’s disease, but there are many other forms of dementia that can impact individuals and their families.

For those living with dementia, it can be a confusing and frightening journey as they struggle with memory loss, changes in behavior and mood, and difficulties with everyday tasks. It can be like losing a part of themselves. For their loved ones, watching a cherished family member or friend struggle with dementia can be a source of great pain and sadness. It can be difficult to see someone you care about lose their independence and ability to communicate.

It is important to remember that individuals with dementia are still the same people they have always been, with the same hopes, fears, and emotions. Providing love, support, and understanding can help them feel valued and dignified, even as their condition progresses.

Jake Starkey - Wednesday, May 8th, 2024

Early Signs of Dementia

Counter to the common belief, dementia is not a normal part of ageing. It is not always clear why some people get dementia while others do not. It can depend on a combination of age, lifestyle, genetic factors and other health conditions. It’s important to be aware of the symptoms of Dementia early so that a health professional can make an informed assessment. Getting an early diagnosis can have numerous benefits such as financial and legal benefits and opens up the door to treatment, information, and appropriate support.

The early symptoms of dementia can vary, but here is a list of common signs to look out for:

  • Memory loss, particularly difficulty remembering recent events or information.

  • Difficulty with language, including trouble finding the right words, naming objects, or understanding conversations.

  • Disorientation such as have trouble recognizing familiar places or people.

  • Difficulty with tasks that require problem-solving skills, such as handling money or making decisions.

  • Changes in mood or behaviour, including increased anxiety, depression, or agitation.

  • Inability to make good decisions, including personal grooming and hygiene.

  • Difficulty with activities of daily living, such as cooking, shopping, or using the telephone.

  • Changes in personality, including becoming more withdrawn or developing new behaviours.

  • Reduced interest in activities and hobbies that were previously enjoyed.

  • Withdrawal from social activities; becoming increasingly isolated.

It is important to keep in mind that these symptoms can be caused by a variety of factors and do not necessarily indicate dementia. However, if you are concerned about yourself or a loved one, it is recommended to consult a healthcare provider for a proper diagnosis.


How to support someone with Dementia

Caring for a loved one with dementia can be emotionally and physically draining, but it can also be incredibly rewarding. By offering love, support, and understanding, you can help your loved one live a fulfilling life despite the challenges posed by dementia.

By incorporating some of the following methods, you can help make their journey a little bit easier, and preserve their memories and legacy for years to come.

Offer emotional support: One of the most important things you can do for a loved one with dementia is to offer them emotional support. This can be done by simply being there for them, listening to their concerns, and offering words of encouragement.

Encourage physical activity: Regular physical activity can improve overall health and cognitive function in individuals with dementia. Encourage your loved one to get outside, take a walk, or participate in physical activity that they enjoy.

Facilitate social engagement: Encouraging social engagement through activities such as visiting friends and family, joining a support group, or participating in community events can help improve mood and cognitive function.

Promote a healthy lifestyle: A healthy diet and regular exercise can improve physical and mental health in individuals with dementia. Encourage your loved one to eat nutritious foods and stay active to promote overall health and well-being.

Provide a safe and secure environment: It’s important to ensure that individuals with dementia are safe and secure in their environment. This may include making necessary home modifications, such as installing grab bars in the bathroom or adding non-slip mats in the shower.

Simplify tasks and routines: Simplifying tasks and routines can help individuals with dementia feel more independent and reduce frustration. This may include breaking down complex tasks into smaller, more manageable steps.

Manage challenging behaviours: Understanding and managing challenging behaviours associated with dementia, such as agitation or aggression, can help improve quality of life for individuals with dementia and their caregivers. This may involve seeking the advice of a professional or utilizing coping strategies such as deep breathing or visualization.

Educate yourself: Learning as much as you can about dementia, including its causes, symptoms, and treatments, can help you provide the best possible support to your loved one. This can also help you understand what they are going through and how you can help.

Provide stimulation through activities: Engaging in activities such as playing games, listening to music, or doing arts and crafts can provide stimulation and improve cognitive function.


Amazing activities for people with dementia

When it comes to activities for people with dementia, it’s important to think outside the box and try new and creative things. We’ve put together  10 unique and engaging activities that can provide a sense of comfort, excitement, and connection for those with dementia:

Sensory boxes

Creating sensory boxes can be a fun and stimulating activity for people with dementia. These boxes can be filled with items that evoke different textures, scents, and sounds, providing a unique sensory experience. Imagine running your hands through a pile of soft, fluffy feathers or sniffing a bouquet of fragrant herbs. These sensory boxes can provide a sense of comfort, excitement, and exploration, as individuals engage in new and interesting experiences.

Pet therapy

Spending time with animals can be a calming and comforting experience. Therapy animals, such as dogs or cats, can provide a sense of love and affection, and can help reduce anxiety and stress levels. As individuals take on the role of caring for the animal, they may feel a sense of purpose and responsibility, providing a sense of belonging and self-worth. Whether petting a soft fur coat or watching a fish swim in a tank, the presence of an animal can bring a sense of love and comfort to those with dementia.

Visual expression

Visual expression is a fun and exciting way for individuals to unleash their creativity and connect with their emotions. Whether it’s through art, craft, or other forms of creativity, there are countless benefits to be had!

Think of visual expression as a big canvas that’s just waiting to be filled with colour, imagination, and expression. By engaging in art and craft activities, individuals with dementia can stimulate their brains and keep their minds sharp, while also exploring their emotions and finding new ways to express themselves.

Grab some crayons, paints, or clay, and let the good times roll. With visual expression, individuals with dementia can tap into their creative side, reduce stress and anxiety, and experience the joy of creation.

Reminiscence therapy

Reminiscence therapy is a unique type of therapy that involves reminiscing about past experiences and significant life events. Imagine sharing a childhood memory or reliving a special moment from your past. This type of therapy can help improve mood, boost self-esteem, and provide a sense of comfort and familiarity. As individuals reflect on and share meaningful moments in their lives with others, they may feel a sense of love and connection, as they revisit memories that hold great personal significance.

Memory boxes

Creating a memory box, filled with objects, photos, and mementos, can provide comfort and a sense of connection to the past for individuals with dementia. This activity can help to trigger memories, promoting reminiscing and helping individuals to feel more connected to their life story. It can also provide a sense of comfort, helping individuals to feel more at ease and relaxed.

Music therapy

Listening to familiar songs from their youth can trigger memories and emotions, allowing them to reconnect with the past. Even when words may fail them, music can provide a way for individuals with dementia to communicate, whether it be through singing along or expressing their emotions through the lyrics of a song.

In addition to its emotional benefits, music has also been shown to have a positive impact on mood and cognitive function. Studies have demonstrated that listening to music can reduce anxiety and depression, and even improve focus and concentration. For individuals with dementia, incorporating music into their daily routine can help stimulate the brain and improve their overall well-being.

Music can also provide a fun and engaging activity for individuals with dementia and their loved ones. Singing and dancing together can help foster connection and create new memories, providing a way for them to bond and form deeper emotional connections.

Watching old movies and TV shows

Watching old movies can be a nostalgic and emotional experience for individuals, providing a glimpse into the past and helping to trigger memories and emotions that may have been forgotten. As dementia progresses, it can be difficult for individuals to recall memories and express emotions, but movies can offer a powerful solution.

Just as with music, movies can help individuals with dementia recall memories and emotions from their past, providing a sense of connection to their earlier life. They can also help stimulate the brain and improve cognitive function. By following a story, remembering characters, and understanding the plot of a movie, individuals with dementia can engage their minds and stay cognitively active.

Watching movies can also evoke strong emotions, and individuals with dementia may find comfort in revisiting familiar characters and stories. Whether watching a movie alone or with loved ones, it can provide a shared experience and a great opportunity for social interaction. Discussion and reminiscing about the movie can foster connection and create new memories, helping individuals with dementia and their loved ones to form deeper emotional connections.

Memory cafés

Attending a memory café can provide a supportive and welcoming environment for individuals with dementia and their carers. These cafes offer a safe and non-judgmental space for individuals to participate in social activities, share experiences, and connect with others who are facing similar challenges. The social interaction, activities, and sense of community provided by memory cafes can help to improve overall wellbeing for individuals with dementia.

Virtual reality experiences

Virtual reality technology can provide a sense of adventure and exploration. Imagine taking a virtual trip to a tropical beach or scenic mountain hike without ever leaving the comfort of a chair. Virtual reality experiences can provide a sense of excitement and wonder, as individuals engage in new and stimulating experiences. This technology can also be a unique way to stimulate the senses and imagination, providing a sense of connection and engagement.

Nature walks

Spending time in nature can have a calming and rejuvenating effect on the mind and body. Going for a walk or simply spending time in a park or garden can help improve mood, boost energy levels, and provide a sense of connection with the natural world. Imagine taking a stroll through a forest, admiring the beauty of the trees and the rustling of leaves in the wind. Nature walks can provide a sense of adventure and exploration, as individuals engage with the natural world in a new and exciting way.  Spending time in nature can be a unique and enjoyable activity that provides a sense of comfort and connection.


Remember to take care of yourself

Caring for a loved one with dementia can be an emotional and challenging experience. It can be heart-breaking to watch someone you care deeply about struggle with memory loss, confusion, and changes in behaviour. It is important to remember that caring for a loved one with dementia is a journey, and it’s okay to feel overwhelmed and sad at times. It is important to reach out for support, whether that be through friends, family, support groups, or a mental health professional.

Practicing self-care, such as getting enough sleep, eating a healthy diet, and engaging in physical activity, can also help you cope with the emotional stress of caregiving. It’s also important to find joy in the present moment and to cherish the memories you have with your loved one, even as they may change. Ultimately, your love and support can make a big difference in your loved one’s life, and taking care of yourself will help you be the best possible caregiver for them.


Useful Resources

Alzheimer’s Society: This is a national charity that provides support and resources for individuals with dementia, as well as their families and caregivers.

Dementia UK: This is a UK-based charity that provides support, information, and resources for individuals with dementia, as well as their families and caregivers.

Dementia Friends: This is an initiative led by the Alzheimer’s Society in the UK that aims to raise awareness and understanding of dementia and its impact on individuals and their families.

Age UK: This is a UK-based charity that provides information, advice, and support for older people, including those with dementia.

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