We are delighted to announce that our teams in the Thames Valley have been rated Good by the Care Quality Commission (CQC) and Outstanding for service responsiveness.
The independent regulator for health and social care highlighted the following:
“Everyone at BelleVie had people’s wellbeing at heart and people were in the centre of the care delivery. Demonstrating this ethos in daily care delivery meant the team successfully created and embedded a meaningful, compassionate, strong and visible person-centred culture.”
“The very initial contact with a person looking to arrange the support always started with asking the person, “What makes it a good day for you?” This way people were a driving force behind any decisions about how they wished to have their care delivered and spend their day. This was demonstrated in feedback we had from people and their relatives who described the service as exceptional and told us staff went an extra mile to meet their needs. People’s privacy, dignity and confidentiality was respected at all times.”
“Staff excelled in their creativity to ensure people were empowered to pursue their interests and hobbies and worked with partners organisations to encourage people to reduce any social isolation. We saw numerous examples where the staff supported people to fulfil their wishes.”
“People were supported to have maximum choice and control of their lives and staff supported them in the least restrictive way possible.”
Emma Pithers, Wellbeing Support Lead in the Thames Valley, commented: “We’re so pleased to receive the Good rating from the CQC, and it’s a credit to our hard working teams of Wellbeing Support Workers. I’m very proud of the comments related to our values and the acknowledgement that we are creating a world where people who give and receive care and support are valued and thrive together. We have fantastic teams that really do go above and beyond for the people we support, and this is reflected in the CQC report.”
Read the full report here.